Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My First Project of the Year

Have you seen the recent 2009 movie "Paranormal Activity?"

Well, when I first watched this low budget jumpy flick I knew absolutely nothing about it. My mother handed it to me on a blank DVD and said that her friend gave it to her and she wasn't sure what it was. With not even a simple home-made DVD title screen, I was a bit weirded out by the home-movie style concept. When I sat through the whole thing, I was home-alone, sitting in pitch black darkness on a cold night and extremely curious as to where this footage came from.

Turns out I had received a "leaked" copy of this film before it had been released. If you had seen the cinematic version of the film, you will notice that there is no credits, just a simple message at the beginning explaining when the footage was shot, and a simple "Thanks to the families of the couple for releasing the footage" at the end. My version was absolutely nothing like this, it did not even have a black screen at the beginning, it just started as if you had plugged in your handy cam to view your own footage after a day of shooting. There was nothing at the end either, it just ended.

I am the type of person that needs to know some information about a film before I see it. I'm the annoying one that enters a room when everyone is half-way through watching a movie and I yell out "What's this movie!?", "What's is about!?", "Who's in it!?".

I have to admit, on this cold winter night the film Paranormal Activity scared the shit out of me.

I know this is hilarious, but if you were in my position you would have probably shit yourself as well. And I'm the type not to get scared while watching a film - believe me!

Anyway, after a few sleep-less nights recently I just had a small idea that would give me a small kick up the ass and prepare me for film school in the coming month. This was to create another home-movie style film, inspired by the film Paranormal Activity, complete with rigs, stunts, and jumpy moments. With the help of a few very talented friends from a theatre I know, I can see this ridiculously highly-shit-risked film having a small chance of having the same affect on its viewers as Paranormal Activity had on me, but that small chance is something I am going to take!

What will make my idea different?

This is all to do with what the intentions are. The film Paranormal Activity was a project created by the maker's of the Blair Witch Project, which was intended to be released cinematically and make shit-loads of money, particularly because it cost around $14,000 or something to actually make. This is an investment to laugh at. What I plan to do, is burn multiple copies onto blank DVDs with no labels, and hand them out anywhere and everywhere. No plan to even upload it to YouTube.

Incredibly stupid, I know, but something about this says "fuck you" to Hollywood.

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